PBT Safer Care Ltd welcomes you
Many of our clients with learning disabilities and autism want the support to live independently. PBT Safer Care Ltd has made it their mission to provide person centred care in helping our young adults achieve this and more.
Our Vision
To deliver exceptional customer packages by providing quality care and support by tailoring our service to each individual’s needs.
Our Mission
PBT Safer Care’s mission is to “provide a person-centred domiciliary care service with empathy and compassion that aids, supports and empowers service users to live with dignity and have fulfilled lives at home and in their communities, successfully achieving their potentials”.
Our Value
Providing Person Centred Quality care. Respecting Diversity, Religion, Cultural, Racial and Gender Identities.
Being Compassionate by showing Humanity and Kindness throughout our service. Remain Transparent , Open and Honest.
Supported Living Accommodation for Young Adults with Learning Disabilities and Autism
Our Supported Living Accommodation is staffed 24/7 days to allow for support to be given at a time that suits our young adults.